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Temazcal Tepeyolohtli

What is a Temazcalli ?
For many indigenous cultures in prehispanic time the Temazcalli had been a great tool to prevent inbalance of health, what we know these days as sickness. In this ancient mexican treatment the body is introduced into a hot space similar to the north american sweat lodge or the wellknown sauna. This holistic healing treatment can disolve any bloquade on physical, emocional, spiritual and mind level througout it’s process, whether by a single treatment or by a group-led dynamic. The therapy will be guided by a Temazcalero. He directs during the process depending on focus and proposes a variation of diferent therpies. Inbetween those we find thermo therapy, hydro therapy, fito therapy, psycho therapy, massages, meditation, colour therapy, music therapy, prayers and others. He chooses the right ones to perform his work as support for reaching the balance and harmony to be one with yourself.

What benefit can we receive through this kind of treatment ?

Main issue those days is the enormes empowering and recover that suports our INMUNE SYSTEM.

At first it activates blood circulation, cleans and strengthens skin and hair, filters our lungs and respiration system and cleans the stomach and colon along with the whole digestive system. The experience relieves tensiones and pain of muscles, profoundly reaches bones and can dissolve problems with reuma, atrosis and arthritis, strengthens all our defenses and supports healing of wounds and allergies. It helps to dissolve menstrual problems and activates the mammery and other glands, relaxes our nervous system, elimenate tireaness and can effect in a positive way an emotional catarsis.

People who suffer from low or hypertension, heartdisease or diabetes please alert the Temazcalero beforehand.

How do I preper myself ?

Please confirm your participation at least a week in advance. In this time no drugs and please avoid alcohol beverages. Some medical treatments may cause unexpected side effects under elevated temperatures, for your own convinience please inform the Temazcalero. The day before you should be well hydrated (2-3 liters of water). The day of it is reccomended no food of heavy digestión and no eating or smoking 4 hours before entering. Bring comfortable clothing for sweat, like skirts, shorts and T-shirts best made of natural fabric. Warm clothing, socks and a cap (even on hot days), towel, blanket and drinking water. Ensure you make enough time as the session takes between 3 to 5 hours on average. (depending on dynamic of the group or treatment)


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